Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Meditation

Sophie Johnson


Nei Gong training is the internal development process of Daoism with influences from particularly Buddhism and probably Hinduism as well. Referring to the end result of the process Nei Gong translates as internal skill. Classically taught it is a systematic path of development towards the Dao (the ineffable, ultimate truth). This process starts with body development, energetic development and ultimately mental and spiritual development. 

Classical Methods

Like many eastern philosophies, Daoism has suffered the mixed blessing of popularization; where the teachings of an entire complex philosophical tradition have become reduced to suit the ‘quick fix, reduce our stress’ western mind-set. What follows is a description of what is meant by classical and a description of the methods or tools we use to unfold the process of Nei Gong within ourselves.


The system of Nei Gong builds the foundation in the body with Qi Gong, Dao Yin and the processes described in the Nei gong process section. This for many practitioners leads them towards meditation, as the aim of these process’ was always the elevation of spirit; to understanding and living our connection to spirit, and within that to the source of all.

Blog Posts

Sophie teaches classes in Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Meditation at Bonhays Retreat Centre in the Dorset countryside.