Fundamentally an energetic art, the bodywork was developed to make the physical body as efficient and safe as possible to take the increase of qi that the process will undoubtedly put through the internal circuitry. This process is perhaps often overlooked in some of the western adaptations of eastern arts, and as such folk will often at best ‘glass ceiling’, or at worst develop qi deviations as a result of a process unfolding to fast or in the incorrect manner, without the necessary preparation and foundations being laid down.

Alongside the body preparation we start the energy work. This, for some time, is concerned with building our engine for the process – the Lower Dan Tian. This centre is situated in the lower abdomen. In most adults this field has become inefficient and dispersed, so it needs building. We have many methods and exercises to awaken, build and consolidate the qi here, thereby returning a person to an earlier state of efficiency and health. Alongside this we come to understand and work with primarily two different forms of qi, Yin and Yang.

Working with the organising force Yin, and the animating force Yang, we build, animate and start the process of clearing the body from toxins, and unhealthy habits; whilst building our engine for change - the Lower Dan Tian. This is a clearly marked out pathway and not that difficult to do with correct understanding and enough practise. The tools we use to facilitate the process of clearing and moving the qi are Qi Gong and Dao Yin.

The result of this process is far more energy, health and vitality, reflected in mental well-being and comfort of mind. This is achieved by opening the body and channels in such a way that this increase in qi can flush blockages out of the system and power up the healing process that already exists within the body, but increasing the efficiency of it greatly. The channels, and the qi that flows through them, are an extension of the quality of our mind, so this opening and clearing brings about a transformation of the individual’s consciousness.

This qi, when it moves is not subtle – it is tangible in every possible way, you will not be working blind, or need to adhere to external belief systems to unfold your own process.  Once the qi is moving, we use the tools of Qi Gong and Dao Yin to move it through the body in the manner we require. Nei Gong is a profoundly healing process and is the key to taking ourselves deeply into the energetic and esoteric arts of ancient China.

The process taught within Lotus Nei Gong is systematically and classically taught with attention to detail, taking the necessary time for the internal work to unfold, as the foundations are established. This clear pathway has been laid down by previous practitioners and masters for us to follow.For some this increase in health, vitality and clarity of mind is enough, for others it will naturally lead towards the spiritual side of the art, meditation.